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Free Gel is a Java IDE that is written in a language other then Java and is compiled for Windows
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GExperts Inc
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Used by 8 people
Download link is unavailable since the product is discontinued

Unlike other Java IDEs available, this enables Gel to be very small and very quick. It works great on suboptimal hardware and consumes little memory.
This small size does not come at the expense of features however. Gel has all of the features you would expect in an IDE including syntax highlighting, code completion, parameter hints, smart project management and more.

You can have the best of both worlds, great features, small size and fast performance.

Main features:

- Syntax highlighting for Java, JSP, HTML, XML, C, C++, Perl, Python and more...
- Unlimited undo and redo
- Column selection mode
- Block indent and unindent
- Matching brace highlighting
- Structure lines to easily visualize matching braces
- Live spell checking
- Display control characters
- Sort selection
- Comment and uncomment blocks
- Automatic positioning of closing brace
- Auto indent
- Integrated source control supports CVS, VSS, Clearcase, Perforce, QVCS, CS-RCS and more
- Regular expression searches
- Find in files
- Export to HTML or RTF with code highlighting intact
- Keeps local history of changes, easily roll back changes if required
- Code completion for Java and JSP
- Parameter hints for Java and JSP
- Identifier hints for Java and JSP
- Find declaration, quickly jump to where a field, method or class is declared
- Tag completion for JSP. Supports HTML and custom JSP tags
- Create stub methods when implementing an interface automatically
- Create bean methods for a given field automatically
- Context sensitive help linked to Javadoc
- Class browser

Gel - a small, fast, reliable and easy to install Java IDE.


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